
What Is Garbhasanskar?

WHAT IS GARBHASANSKAR? Answers to all your Questions 

Introduction to Garbhasanskar

Gharbh” means “foetus” and “sanskar” means “to teach and guide an individual throughouttheir life”. Gharbhsanskar is living, experiencing, connecting and exploring the beautiful world of pregnancy as a couple. Gharbhsanskar is nurturing your child form the time of conception to be an original masterpiece. It helps enhance the connection between a couple and their child. 

Pregnancy is the most special period for a female but along with the perks of it there comes responsibility of making sure that she is preparing for her motherhood journey the right way. Garbhasanskar is just the most ancient and extremely well researched and practiced science for helping the mother do it the right way since the baby is in her womb. It is emotional and mental nourishment for the baby before it enters our world.

Importance of Garbhasanskar

Garbhasanskar has been proven to show multiple benefits for not just the baby but for expectant mothers as well. It is the complete Holistic package for the right mental, physical & spiritual benefits for both. Here are the few most common ones:-

Benefits for the baby include:

1. Positive & Intentional brain Development- Garbhasanskar practices such as using positive sounds and music stimulate maternal emotions which ultimately impacts brain development in the baby significantly.

2. Building the base Value and Virtues in the Baby: – The crux of Garbhasanskar is instilling the values by the parents in their child to be. The Prakriti that is the core moral foundation of the child is developed from the very beginning of their lives through these practices.

3. Building the Parental Bond – Mother and Father get involved with the baby through different communicating practices which lays the foundation of their bond with the baby while it’s still in the womb. This is not just great foe the emotional development of the baby but it also has various psychological benefits. 

Benefits for the Expecting Mother include:-

1. Maintaining good Physical Health: – Gharbhsanskar Practices of Yoga in Pregnancy is one of the safest and most favourite form of physical exercise for expecting mothers. It’s got multiple benefits such as relieving pains developed in pregnancy as well as preparing the body for the magical journey of giving birth naturally. 

2. Maintaining Healthy Emotional health & reducing stress: – Pregnancy comes with a lot of hormonal ups and downs which directly impact the mother’s emotions and mental state. Learning ways to regulate these changes can promote her happiness and thus improve her overall wellbeing. 

3. Improving Relationship of the Expectant Couple- The fathers to be often feel left out in the complete process of pregnancy, while the mothers to be feel drained and overwhelmed for doing most parts of it alone. Garbhasanskar is about coming together and sharing responsibilities and understanding each other for the best interests of the child. 

Core Practices of Garbhasanskar

In Gharbhsanskar various techniques such as mantra chatting, yoga, pranayama and meditation are used. All of these cumulatively create a conducive environment for the baby. This is very important to achieve the results we desire that is the Holistic development of our child. It is highly beneficial for physical and mental development of the foetus.

5 pillars of Garbhasanskar are – 

1. Ahaar(what you eat),

2. Achar (lifestyle) 

3. Vichar (thoughts) 

4. Vyayaam (exercices)

5. Sadhana (meditation).

Along with focusing on these 5 pillars it also covers the following:-

– Womb Talking (Garbhsamvad)

– Listening to Music and Ragas

– Storytelling and Positive Affirmations

Scientific Perspectives

The facts now proven by modern science were already documented in ancient Indian scriptures like Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, Kashyap Samhita, and Garbhopanishad. These texts, written thousands of years ago, offer detailed insights into the monthly developmental stages, do’s and don’ts, the ideal environment for pregnant mothers, and the activities they should engage in during pregnancy

Cultural Significance

• A famous mythological story on the effect of Garbhasanskar is – Abhimanyu’s story from the Mahabharata a well-known tale. While Arjuna’s wife was pregnant with Abhimanyu, he explained how to break through a special battle formation called Chakravyuh. During the Kurukshetra war, young Abhimanyu remembered this story. His uncle i.e. lord Krishna had shared this strategy with his mother while Abhimanyuwas still in her womb.

• One more famous story is the story of Prahlad, found in the Puranas. Tales of a boy born into a family of demons. His mother listened to prayers about Lord Vishnu while pregnant, which influenced him. Prahlad became a strong devotee of Vishnu and stood against his father, Hiranyakashipu, who was a cruel demon king. Despite Hiranyakashipu’s anger and attempts to kill him, Prahlad’s faith remained unshaken. In the end, Lord Vishnu came in the form of Narasimha, a half-man, half-lion, and defeated Hiranyakashipu. This story highlights the victory of good over evil and the protection of true devotees by the divine.

While both these stories are from Hindu Mythologies, there are multiple such stories of womb wisdom that impacted the child’s faith in their future in all cultures. The base of all these stories being the impact that Gharbhsanskar can create. 


Congratulations are you pregnant or GARBHVATI?

Depending on language, culture, geography, tradition the way you will be called is different. What remains same across all fronts is you are nurturing an angel of god within. The only time in human life when two hearts beat inside one body. This exciting journey brings many twist and turns confusions and suggestions as a gift with it.

Join MyDvija family for 100 days Gharbhsanskar course based on the five pillars of Garbhasanskar. Everything you read in the above blog can be achieved through our exquisitely designed course. Click on this link to know more about it https://mydvija.com/product/garbhasanskar-with-shrreya-shah-team/

Gharbhsanskar is an ancient Indian practice that supports pregnant women in having a happy,stress free, and positive pregnancy experience. Want to know more on this topic? You can check out my youtube Videos on this topic on our Youtube page


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